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US drone attack kills 8 in Shawwal, North Waziristan

 MIRANSHAH: Eight persons were killed when a US drone fired two missiles at a house in the mountainous Shawal valley of the North Waziristan tribal region on Sunday. “They were all having an Iftar dinner in the compound when the drone fired two missiles. A group of militants arrived and started pulling out the bodies after an hour when the drone had disappeared,” a tribesman said.The tribesman said local tribal militants later told them that four among the slain militants were Arab fighters. Government officials also confirmed the drone strike and said it took place in the remote forest-covered Shawal valley near the Afghan border where the militants usually set up sanctuaries in summer.

 Source: news.com.pk

Earlier this month, on July 3, a drone had fired missiles on a house located in the Miranshah Bazaar in North Waziristan killing 17. The July 3 drone attack is considered to be the biggest launched this year. Another drone strike which took place on July 13 killed two people in Mir Ali Tehsil, North Waziristan. The Pakistani government has maintained an anti-drone stance and has claimed that drone strikes in the country are illegal, violate sovereignty and are counter-productive as they claim civilian lives. A 12-page summary report titled Details of Attacks by Nato Forces/Predators in FATA revealed that out of the total 746 people listed as killed in the drone strikes between 2006 and 2009, 147 were civilians.

Source: tribune.com.pk


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